
movie collection

Titles we have collected over the years


1h 48m • Action, Comedy • R
6% 77%
Directed byPierre Morel
Writen byJacob Lentz
StudioEndurance Media

Video:1 ()
AudioEnglish ( )
An ex-special forces operative takes a job to provide security for a journalist as she interviews a dictator, but when a military coup breaks out in the middle of the interview, they are forced to escape into the jungle.

John CenaMason Pettits
Alison BrieClaire Wellington
Juan Pablo RabaPresident Juan Venegas
Alice EveJenny Pettits
Marton CsokasColonel Jan Koehorst
Christian SlaterSebastian Earle
Julianne ArrietaAvery Alderson
Molly McCannCasey Pettits
Daniel ToroRojas
Sebastián EslavaJorge
Roberto CanoEduardo Lavato