WX 200 Weather Station Software
(630-1015)             Using the Feature Buttons      Faxback Doc. # 38357

This table gives you a brief description of the feature buttons you can
click on the Weather Station window (to do things such as create a graph,
print a list of recent weather conditions, and more).  For a complete
description of a feature button, see the section that describes that
feature.  The page number and name of each of the sections (if any) are
listed under that feature's description.

Button Name                   Click on This Button To

Temperature +                 View, change, or print a quick-graph
                              plotting the air temperatures recorded
                              during the last 6 hours.

                              See "Creating and Using Weather Graphs,"
                              Faxback Doc. # 38359.

Barometer +                   View, change, or print a quick-graph
                              plotting the barometric pressure readings
                              recorded during the last 6 hours.

English                       View all weather conditions
                              (in all windows) in English format
                              (Fahrenheit, inches, and so on)

Metric                        View all weather conditions
                              (in all windows) in metric format
                              (Celsius, meters, and so on)

Data                          Open a spreadsheet and view up to the last
                              500 recorded "observations" (all weather
                              conditions recorded at the interval you
                              selected in the Setup For Your Weather
                              Station window).  You can also print this

Forecast                      View a preliminary forecast generated by the
                              software based on the weather conditions
                              recorded by your WX 200.

Inside                        Open the Inside Conditions window and view
                              all current inside weather conditions
                              recorded by your WX 200.

Alarms                        Open the Weather Station Alarm Settings
                              window.  You can set, turn on/off, and clear
                              all weather condition alarms using this

Almanac                       Select a month and open an Almanac window
                              showing all weather conditions (and more!)
                              recorded during that month.  You can also
                              enter other data or edit any store data in
                              the Almanac window, and print the selected
                              month's data.

Graphs                        Open the Weather Station Graph Setup window.
                              Using this window, you can create, change,
                              and print a graph plotting the readings of
                              one or more weather conditions.
